Saturday, January 5, 2013


James- "UH, OH!"
Jake- "Cockroach?"

Jake- "Oh, that shirt is really cute Mom." -commenting on MY shirt

James- "The sheep go to the mountain in the summertime."
Mom- ....side glance to Matt to see if this is correct....Matt confirms with a nod. "Yes"

James- (this is hilarious if you could HEAR him say it) "Oh My Gosh."

Both boys during a messy diaper change to each other or Eli- "That's disgusting!"


"Hey, you're not your age!"- I have NO idea where this one comes from but they say it to each other all the time!

And the granddaddy of them all (we had to expect this was coming sooner or later) today we were having lunch and Jake looks up to see a Muslim man in the traditional dress, white dishdasha in the headdress and everything. In other words, not an unusual sight over here at all!! Somehow this time it made him remember you-know-who in the picture hanging on our wall at home and he says "Mom, it's Jesus! Look!"

Jake and James, 2 1/2 years old


Jessica Dahlquist said...

Love the precocious comments of little ones. Keep 'em coming!

Kat and Steve said...

So funny! I love that you documented all these things!

mrlissa jolleu said...

Miss you guys and girl. love grandma kolley