Saturday, February 9, 2013


We just returned from a week long vacation in Luxor, Egypt!! Matt had some time off and it was my 27th birthday, so we just went for it! It was about a 3 hour flight and only a 1 hour time zone change, so it was easy on the boys. It was a little kid's dream. We rode on a camel, fed the monkeys, took boat rides on the Nile River, ate falafel and sugar cane, Matt held a cobra, played in the rocks and dirt, and saw mummies! A trip that we will always remember. Magical. The only thing that could have made it better would have been if our family were there, too. Maybe next time??

 Eli at almost 8 months old. This wasn't actually in Egypt; it's at our house. But he's too cute not to include it!
I honestly don't know who took more pictures of our boys--us or the Egyptians!!?? We were stopped so many times asking to get a picture with our children. At first we were flattered, then cordial, then slightly put off, and after awhile we would just say, "If you can catch them, you can get a picture with them." All were up for the challenge. So, alas, there was A LOT of flash photography going on!

 We stayed on an island in the middle of the Nile River. It was an unbelievable resort that had a zoo and tons of activities for kids. This is the view from our room. It overlooked the Infinity Pool and Nile River. Off to the left was the playground and splash zone.
 Look at that 3,000 year old color!!!

On the resort, they had all sorts of gardens and trees. Here they are at the banana tree.
 At Egyptian Night, Matt held a cobra. That kid is the snake-keeper. Probably 13 years old.

Karnak Temple

 Overlooking the Luxor temple at dinner one evening.

 Colossi of Memon
 The bread lady. She made flat bread every day in this kiln. The boys really took to her because she would give them a piece every day. She was so kind.
James and Rameses, the camel.
 Temple of Queen Hatshepsut.
 Matt being super-dad holding all 3 boys. A cool 80+ lbs!
 THE TOMB! We were so far underground. There were signs saying "NO PHOTO" but our tour guide said otherwise, so we did what any other tourist would do and said 'cheese'. It was pretty amazing to be there and see the colors and depictions. Off to the left was a separate room for the pharaoh's gold and jewels. It was a big room and I'm sure it was filled once upon a time. Crazy to think that they thought you can take that stuff with you when you die!
 The gate-keeper to the tomb. We paid him to get in initially. After about 10 minutes there he decided we'd seen enough and turned out the lights with no warning. PITCH BLACK. Jake kept saying, "It's kinda dark in here." We trekked it back upstairs with screaming, scared kiddos and didn't tip him.
 Our ghetto taxi cab. You should have seen the inside of that thing. It was like from the Flinstone's time! He was a great driver though.
 Sphinx Avenue. Runs the whole way from the Karnak temple to the Luxor temple. About 2 miles.
 Goodnight snuggle
 Love Eli's expression here. 27 candles, please! I'm having my cake and eating it, too. Worth every calorie!
 Awwww. my babies!
 Hellllloooooo, James!
 The boys thought the most interesting part of the Luxor temple were the rocks on the ground, not the ones still standing. Figures!


 Traditional Egyptian men. Plus James.
 Right outside the entrance to the Luxor Temple.

 Our sailboat ride along the Nile River at sunset.
 Man riding a donkey. Pretty common sight in these parts.
The sheer joy of not having to be strapped into car seats. You're welcome kids. But now that we're back in Doha, don't even think about it!!

It was a GREAT trip. Good food, weather, sights, memories, and happy boys. I feel so blessed.


Traci said...

What an amazing experience! Wow! Sounds like a great birthday.... how lucky you are to go on so many adventures! Enjoy!

elisha said...

How fun! Happy late birthday to you! Those are such cool pictures and definitely a trip to remember. Phil is hesitant to visit over there but I want to see all that so bad. I'll keep working on him. ;)