Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Favorite Children's Books

Disclaimer: I promise to post about Doha soon. There are tons of cool things to do and see here and we live in such a unique part of the world. We are just soaking it all up right now. Pics to prove it...coming soon:)

My very favorite thing to do with J+J is read to them. It happens daily and I'm proud to say it. I feel like I drop the ball so often but this has been a constant source of happiness in our lives since they were tiny-weeny, like 9 months old-ish. We moved every single children's story we owned out here and I am so glad we did. There is no free public library here. And, even if there was, I'm sure it would be in Arabic. We started downloading a few children's stories onto our iPad but it's just not the same as turning real pages. At any rate, we are getting good use out of the ones we have!

We have some favorites that I want to share with you. What are your favorite children's stories? Do tell!!

Bored, Nothing to Do by Peter Spier
Sondra Soderborg gave us this book when the boys were born. It is my favorite. It is about twin boys who decide to build an airplane. Obviously a perfect fit for this household! Not too many words, great pictures, and kind of vintage. Love. 

'M' is for Mitten, A Michigan Alphabet
Every child needs this book about the state where they were born, right? This one is pretty cute and has some good ideas regarding things to do around Michigan. A great baby shower gift. I know they have made this book about several other states, too.
I can still remember the first time I read this story to the boys. They thought the whistle was so fun and wanted me to make the noise over and over again. It is a good going-to-bed story because at the end the little boy and train go night-night. We have read it so many times the pages are torn and we've taped it up. A good sign.
Good night, Good night Construction Site by Sherri Duskey Rinker
This story is what little boy dreams are made of. Grandma B sent this one and it has been a big hitter ever since. Love the ryhmes, the facial expressions of the trucks, and again, it's a great going-to-bed story. Bonus: This book was dedicated to a brown eyed boy and a blue eyed boy....hummm....I know two of those!
Eli by Bill Pete
The name alone sold us on this one. Additionally, it's a cute story about how we need to be nice to everyone. The vultures saved Eli the lion's life in the end. Another Bill Pete story we like is Katy the Caboose. Thanks again, Grandma B!

Ok, so I'm a sucker for "mommy loves you" type of stories. Just want to be sure and get the point across, especially on days when there was a lot of discipline. I got this book for the boy's first Valentine's Day. I also like it because it's a thick, chunky smaller book that fits into a diaper bag and makes a good chew toy for an infant.

Little Blue Truck is probably my favorite rhyming book ever. It's adorable. Perfect story about being nice and helping our friends. Beep, Beep, Beep!

You may have tangible wealth untold;
Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.
Richer than I you never can be-
I had a mother who read to me.


Brooke Romney said...

Love this! Me too! I love reading with my kids. I love you stinky face is one of our favorites but I will have to try the others!

Anonymous said...

Cute blog Lindsay. You guys take care over there. Looking forward to more pics.